Development Communication and Policy

Activity 12 Stakeholders analysis of the no-tobacco ad policy Government -As the dominant stakeholder, the government is responsible for implementing this policy to prevent the harmful effects of smoking in the community. Imposing a tobacco advertisement ban will make the anti-smoking campaign more effective by removing consumers’ exposure to advertisements. This will save lives andContinue reading “Development Communication and Policy”

Development Communication Myths

Activity 13 Yes, I concur. Communication is essential to the development process. Communication will be required as a way of intervention in order to achieve development in programs that aim for long-term behavior or social change. Because communication is a process, we can’t really determine where it begins and ends, and we can’t tell whoContinue reading “Development Communication Myths”

Development Communication Practice

Activity 11 As a Communication Student I preferably specialize among other development communication practice is the Community/Development Broadcasting. Development Broadcasting practitioners dealt with writing, planning, producing a TV or Radio programs to explicit news worthy information to their audiences. As a communication student it is good for us to specialize this practice so that weContinue reading “Development Communication Practice”


Activity 9 Development communication, in my opinion, is a communication process aimed at transforming a society to its greatest potential. Planning, managing, implementing, and evaluating are all part of this process. It’s a continuous process in which the development communicator evolves alongside their target audience, which could be a community, a school, a village, orContinue reading “Definition”

Problematique Map

Activity 2 2.2 Subordinate InfIuential Factors •Damage Sewages•Clogged Sewages•Heavy Rainfall•No proper information about waste control•Littering made by the people in the community 2.3 Superordinate Influential Factors These are the main reasons why floods along the streets of Manila specially in Tondo happens. Superordinate factors are the reason why there are subordinate ones. And these areContinue reading “Problematique Map”

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